Surrender تسليم

Arcanum خفي

Contraction قبض

Perplexity حيرة

Poetry شعر

DECEMBER | Stewardship | وصاية

NOVEMBER | Responsibility | قبالة

OCTOBER | Relationship | علاقة

SEPTEMBER | Humility | طاعة

AUGUST | Wonder | عجب

JULY | Compassion | شفق

JUNE | Reverence | برّ

MAY | Gratitude | شكر

APRIL | Protective Care | حرص

MARCH | Oneness | وحدة

FEBRUARY | Kinship | رِحم

JANUARY | Service | خدمة

Light in Darkness

Eccentric شاذ

Humanity إنسان

Lebanon لبنان

Permanence بقاء

Self-Veiling إلتباس

Eight Hundred ضاد اللغة

Lily ليلي

Attraction جذب

Peace سلام

Falling to Pieces تفكّك

Companionship صحبة

Family portrait

Flashes لماع

Light نور

Genesis خلق

Dice نرد

Spiritual Aspiration همّة

Art فنّ

One to Nine ابجدهوزحط

Cells خلايا