Portfolio Category: Wall Pieces


Blessings Everlasting

Fortress of the Heart

Offering قربان

All Things Pass Away

Loss فقد

Wonder & Awe

Our God and your God is One

Bravery بطالة

Unraveling فتق

Out of the Untamed Land

Primordial Breath

Primordial Waters

The Subject Tonight Is Love

Heaven and Earth

Imagination خيال

Love Is a Madman

Celestial Gardens جِنان



Behind the Seen

The Cloud العماء

Lebanon لبنان

Being & Non-Being وجود وعدم


Self-Veiling إلتباس

Attraction جذب

Heavenly Spheres أفلاك

Spiritual Aspiration همّة

Cells خلايا

Dazzling Beauty بهاء

Remover of Fear المؤمن

Ecstasy وجد

Truth Without Form حقّ بدون شكل

Before Alif ما قبل الألف


Who Am I? من أنا

Majnoun Layla مجنون ليلى